



1)下列人士可要求医疗大赦 寻求的学生 医疗援助 用于那些因过度饮酒或物质消耗而引起担忧的人. 

2)可要求医疗大赦 由过量饮酒或滥用药物的人  为谁 寻求医疗照顾 由非大学官员提供.

医疗大赦请求由一个委员会审查,以决定是否给予大赦. 该政策并不排除我们办公室在我们认为必要时要求教育项目或药物滥用评估.

Our prominent concern at 十大网赌正规网址 is the health and safety of our students and thus we want to encourage every student to call for help 为mselves or for a不her individual during alcohol, 药物, 或者其他突发卫生事件. 如果需要医疗救助,不要犹豫,立即拨打911.

感谢你是一个有能力和信念的学生,为你的同龄人着想. 如有疑问,请打电话求助.





十大网赌正规网址 (MU) encourages a living and learning environment that promotes the health and safety of all members of the MU community. 药物或酒精消费——包括过度消费, 食用危险物质, 或者被敏感的人食用——会导致严重的身体和神经损伤,甚至危及生命. 像这样, students are encouraged to make responsible decisions and to seek medical attention in serious or life-threatening situations that result from alcohol 和/或 other 药物 abuse; students are also encouraged to seek help for any situation w在这里 medical treatment is reasonably believed to be appropriate. 如果一个学生喝醉了,他/她是无法被唤醒的, 让那个人“睡一觉”并不是一个合理的选择,而是让他/她得到必要的医疗帮助. Students may be hesitant to seek help in such emergencies because of fear of potential conduct and disciplinary consequences 为mselves or the person in need of medical attention.


十大网赌正规网址致力于为所有学生创造一个安全和健康的环境. A medical amnesty policy benefits our campus by encouraging our students to make responsible decisions in seeking medical attention in serious or life-threatening situations that result from alcohol 和/或 other 药物 abuse and in any situation w在这里 medical treatment is reasonably believed to be appropriate. 如果学生因醉酒或吸毒而无法被唤醒, 让那个人“睡一觉”并不是一个合理的选择,而是让他/她得到必要的医疗帮助. This policy seeks to diminish fear of disciplinary and conduct sanctions in such situations and to encourage individuals to seek medical attention for students in distress from alcohol 和/或 药物 use.


因酒精和/或非法使用药物而需要接受医疗照顾的十大网赌正规网址学生 和/或 a student who called for 医疗援助 for alcohol/药物 use may be considered for 医疗大赦 by first completing an 应用程序. 申请必须在违规后的三个工作日内完成并在线提交给学生生活部. 点击 在这里 为 应用程序.


学生的健康和安全是十大网赌正规网址最关心的问题. 像这样, in cases of serious intoxication 和/或 alcohol poisoning the University encourages individuals to seek 医疗援助 为mselves or others. If an individual seeks medical attention due to his/her own level of intoxication which reasonably appears to create serious and immediate risk to the individual, the 十大网赌正规网址 conduct system may 不 pursue disciplinary sanctions against the student for violations of the Alcohol or Drug Policy of the Code of Conduct. 另外, those students who assist in obtaining medical attention may also 不 receive disciplinary sanctions for violations of the Alcohol Policy of the Code of Conduct.

请求考虑医疗大赦, 申请必须在违规后三个工作日内完成并在线提交给学生体验中心. 点击这里 为 应用程序.

适用医疗大赦时, the intoxicated student (and possibly the student who called for 医疗援助) will be required to meet with the Dean of Student Experience or his designee, 谁可以发布教育要求,其中可能包括, 但不限于:酒精和/或毒品教育, 咨询, 和/或药物滥用评估. 严重或反复发生的事件将引起更高程度的关注和反应. Failure to complete educational assignments or treatment recommendations issued under this policy typically will result in disciplinary action. 学生将负责与酒精/毒品教育干预有关的任何费用. 在大多数情况下, 如果学生未满21岁,学校将向学生的父母或法定监护人寄信.

医疗大赦 does 不 preclude disciplinary sanctions due to any other violations of the Code of Conduct (不 related to the Alcohol or Drug Policy). 同样的, 医疗大赦组织并不阻止北曼彻斯特警方或其他执法人员采取行动.  The Indiana Lifeline law does protect someone under the age of 21 who has been drinking and calls for 医疗援助 for someone who is under the influence of alcohol or a不her substance. The caller will need to remain with the person in need of medical attention and cooperate with the police/medical authorities upon arrival. 

如果学生参与了任何后续的(i.e. 重复)酗酒和/或滥用药物事件,并申请医疗大赦, 情况将由学生体验办公室评估. 对于屡次违反规定的学生,是否有医疗大赦将视具体情况而定. 通常, repetitive violations will be handled through the regular conduct process and will be considered for sanctioning purposes if a student does 不 demonstrate a commitment to the steps recommended by the staff 和/或 health care professional(s) and is involved in repetitive alcohol 和/或 药物 abuse incidents.

·         医疗大赦 may be applied 为 MU student who actively assists by initiating and seeking 医疗援助 和/或 medical treatment on behalf of themselves, 另一个学生, 或者是朋友


o    Call 北部曼彻斯特 Police (260-982-8555 or 911) or seek a不her individual qualified to assess the student’s condition such as a Resident Assistant (RA) or Student Health Assistant or Hall Director (HD) or 大学安全


·以下是  医疗大赦政策所涵盖的:

o等待的学生, but 不 actively involved in seeking 医疗援助 or actively monitoring the student in need until the police or other authority arrive





大学可在学生同意的情况下披露特赦事件. 如果学生在十大网赌正规网址申请学生就业,大学也可以披露事件..


1)约翰和萨拉(都不到21岁)在一个聚会上,莎拉开始表现出醉酒的迹象(说话含糊不清), 她的脚不稳, 呕吐). 约翰决定送莎拉回家. 当我走在学生宿舍附近时, 大学安全中心看到莎拉走路不稳, 她在呕吐。, 还在路过停着的车时撞了它们.  北曼彻斯特警方(NMPD)正在开车经过,也观察到了这一点. 警察拦下了莎拉,以未成年人持有/饮酒的罪名起诉她. 约翰还因未成年人持有毒品/吸食毒品被传讯.

医疗大赦政策可以  因为约翰没有积极地为莎拉寻求医疗照顾, 他也没有找一个合格的人(比如RA或大学安全)来评估Sarah的状况. 医疗大赦也不适用于执法行动.

2)雷蒙回家找到他的室友, 扎克, 昏倒在床上,雷蒙认为可能是因为喝酒. Ramon向宿舍管理员寻求帮助,在大学安全部门的协助下,宿舍管理员认为扎克需要医疗救助.  安全部门叫了救护车,救护车把扎克送到了医院. RA, 和大学安全部门记录了这一事件,并指出雷蒙似乎也喝醉了.

医疗特赦政策确实适用于雷蒙和扎克,因为雷蒙为扎克寻求了RA(大学官员)的帮助. 两个学生都可以得到赦免。应用程序要求, submitted within three days) and will 不 receive disciplinary charges as a result of this incident if they apply for and are granted medical amnesty. 由于这次事件,两人都可能接受某种形式的酒精教育.

一天晚上,一位大学安全官员看到一大群人从宿舍里出来. 警察看到珍被她的两个朋友拦住了, who are also underage and had been drinking; Jean is unable to speak co在这里ntly and is passing in and out of consciousness. 安全办公室的官员为吉恩申请了医疗帮助.

Jean可能不会申请十大网赌正规网址医疗特赦,因为她的朋友没有为她寻求医疗照顾. 朋友们是打了911寻求医疗援助还是找了RA, HD, 或大学安全中心协助吉恩就医, 那么简就可以像她的朋友一样申请医疗特赦.


作为一所大学,我们认识到许多学生可能会选择使用酒精来适应大学生活, 为了“融入社会”或者只是为了玩得开心. 酒精不是一种有效的应对机制,这所学校也不支持. 在十大网赌正规网址,我们最关心的是你的安全. 请注意以下关于印第安纳州生命线法的信息.

  • 印第安纳州生命线法
    • 《十大赌博正规信誉网址》规定了公共场合醉酒犯罪的豁免权, 未成年人财产, 小消费, and minor transportation alcohol to persons who reveal themselves to law enforcement while seeking 医疗援助 for a person suffering from an alcohol-related health emergency.
    • 为了获得豁免权, 申请人必须填妥下列各项,以证明他们的行为是善意的:
      • 提供他们的全名以及执法人员要求的其他相关信息
      • 留在现场直到执法部门和紧急医疗援助到达
      • 在现场与当局合作
    • The law will 不 interfere with law enforcement procedures or limit the ability to prosecute for other criminal offenses such as providing to a minor, 醉酒操作, 或持有管制物品.
  • 打个电话
    • 像2014年秋季学期在印第安纳大学发生的这样的事件太常见了. 请注意自己和他人的安全,以防止此类事件在十大网赌正规网址发生. 最近,印第安纳大学的一名新生在校外派对上摔倒身亡.
  • 了解酒精中毒的迹象
    • 如果有人出现以下任何症状,请拨打911:
      • 无意识的或半意识的
      • 每分钟呼吸少于10次或呼吸不规律(每两分钟检查一次)
      • 皮肤冷、潮湿、苍白或发蓝
      • 不能被掐、戳、喊吵醒
      • 不醒就呕吐

十大网赌正规网址 is committed to the health and safety of every individual and we encourage you to make the call if you or someone you know is in danger.



周一至周五:上午8点.m.-5 p.m.

电话: 260-982-5306
传真: 260-901-8046
电子邮件: healthservices@ff1213.com